Trouble Including rosbag
Hello, I am trying to follow this tutorial: , but am running into errors with the inclusion of rosbag. When I try to run the example code, I get a jillion lines of errors all saying something like this: undefined reference to rosbag:somethingOrOther. However, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I included rosbag/bag.h and rosbag/view.h in my C++ source file, and I believe I've linked the libraries correctly in my CMakelists file:
add_executable(rosbagger src/rosbagger.cpp) target_link_libraries(rosbagger ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Anyone know whats going wrong?
open the terminal and type ($ rospack depends1 <package_name>) in dependencies list do you see rosbag?
Thanks I tried that and it said there were no dependcies so I recreated the package (with the correct dependcies) and now it seems to be working.