How to merge git forks with current ROS directories? Camera_pose errors
Since camera_pose_calibration was never updated, I finally got the patched version of camera_pose from Github via this:
$ git clone <a href=""></a>
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to modify the files in ROS directories. I figured out that I would refer to the folder I put it in over the original ROS camera_pose folder by listing it first in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH but I'm still getting errors. How would I eliminate the old camera_pose folder? Using ROS Hydro right now.
Edit 1: After following the overlay instructions and using roscd to check that camera_pose is being looked at in my testspace first (it is), I'm encountering new errors.
This white text
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pluginlib::LibraryLoadException'
what(): rospack could not find the image_transport package containing image_transport::PublisherPlugin
Followed by this red text
[kinect_1/stereo_cb_detector-2] process has died [pid 3069, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/calibration/image_cb_detector/bin/image_cb_detector_action image:=image_throttle camera_info:=camera_info __name:=stereo_cb_detector __log:=/home/robot2/.ros/log/6b38aca2-7e0e-11e3-8b67-b8ca3a789964/kinect_1-stereo_cb_detector-2.log].
This error shows for all 3 Kinects.
Another white error
/home/robot2/Desktop/Testspace/src/camera_pose/camera_pose_calibration/src/camera_pose_calibration/", line 43, in <module>
from camera_pose_calibration.robot_measurement_cache import RobotMeasurementCache
ImportError: No module named camera_pose_calibration.robot_measurement_cache
Followed by red error
[capture_exec-19] process has died [pid 3315, exit code 1, cmd /home/robot2/Desktop/Testspace/src/camera_pose/camera_pose_calibration/src/camera_pose_calibration/ kinect_1 kinect_2 kinect_3 request_interval:=interval_filtered __name:=capture_exec __log:=/home/robot2/.ros/log/6b38aca2-7e0e-11e3-8b67-b8ca3a789964/capture_exec-19.log].
log file: /home/robot2/.ros/log/6b38aca2-7e0e-11e3-8b67-b8ca3a789964/capture_exec-19*.log
And a white message
ImportError: No module named camera_pose_calibration.msg
Then a bunch of angry red text. Any ideas? I also have included the roswtf output:
ERROR Could not contact the following nodes: * /kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector * /kinect_3/stereo_cb_detector * /kinect_1/stereo_cb_detector
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: * /kinect_3/stereo_cb_detector->/rosout (/rosout) * /kinect_1/stereo_cb_detector->/rosout (/rosout) * /kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector->/rosout (/rosout)
And for all three:
ERROR Errors connecting to the following services: * service [/kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector/set_logger_level] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector/set_logger_level]
ERROR Errors connecting to the following services: * service [/kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector/get_loggers] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/kinect_2/stereo_cb_detector/get_loggers]
Any ideas?