Error opening file written with rosbag?
Hello, I'm trying to follow the following tutorial so that I can incorporate reading and writing bag files into a program I'm creating:
h t t p : / / w i k i . r o s . o r g / r o s b a g / C o d e % 2 0 A P I # c p p _ a p i
However, there seems to be something going wrong with the writing to the file. When I comment out the file reading section (because this part is causing errors upon compilation), and simply try to open the bag file written in a text editor, I get an error message, saying that the file cannot be read properly or something like that. If I ignore the error, the resulting document looks really weird and has strange symbols and red coloration and just looks very wrong (I'm just trying to write a string and a number).
Anyone know what's going wrong/how to fix it? (I think the error in the reading section is being caused by incorrect writing of the file in the first place)
What exactly are you doing? What is the exact error message that you get? What would you expect differently? Are you aware that rosbag files are a custom format?