gmapping and inverted (upside-down) laser
Hello folks, I am having trouble using gmapping with my robot which has an upside-down laser. Last time I was building a map was probably in cturtle and it worked just fine. But in electric it seems that gmapping doesn't detect that the laser is inverted.
Looking at gmapping node source I can see that it uses "angle_increment" value of the LaserScan message to determine if the laser is inverted, e.g. if it is negative then the laser is upside-down. I did echo the messages coming from the laser and angle_increment is indeed positive, and the map is mirrored.
In hokuyo node source code angle_increment parameter is populated from the raw scan message coming from the laser driver, which wouldn't know anything about how the laser is mounted.
Am I missing something or did something change/break from previous release in either gmapping or hokuyo_node?