Specifying GUID causes camera1394 to fail. [camera] device open failed: [Camera1394::open]: Could not find camera with guid
I have 2 cameras connected via firewire, and can open either one independently, when I dont specify the guid. However, when the guid is specified with the command:
rosrun camera1394 camera1394_node _guid:=b09d01008fe780
it gives the following output:
[ INFO] [1321932109.948708636]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1321932109.949074860]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/igvc/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml
[ERROR] [1321932109.949321389]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/igvc/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml]
[ WARN] [1321932109.949433333]: Camera calibration file /home/igvc/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1321932110.109780362]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe780
[ INFO] [1321932110.112069001]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe77e
[ WARN] [1321932110.112333326]: [camera] exception opening device (retrying): [Camera1394::open]: Could not find camera with guid b09d01008fe780
[ INFO] [1321932110.116237817]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe780
[ INFO] [1321932110.118381988]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe77e
[ WARN] [1321932110.118514197]: [camera] exception opening device (retrying): [Camera1394::open]: Could not find camera with guid b09d01008fe780
[ INFO] [1321932110.122364814]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe780
[ INFO] [1321932110.124582016]: Found camera with GUID b09d01008fe77e
[ERROR] [1321932110.124722269]: [camera] device open failed: [Camera1394::open]: Could not find camera with guid b09d01008fe780
I need the images from both cameras for stereo vision.