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ROS node implementation

asked 2011-11-25 14:16:08 -0500

Hi, I want to implement C# in ROS, and I want to first initialize a C# node.

I found the code in roslib, /opt/ros/electric/ros/core/roslib/src/roslib/, seems to have implemented node(by class XmlRpcNode(object)).But I am not sure if this file is the right one I am looking for.


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1 Answer

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answered 2012-02-23 07:16:44 -0500

Lorenz gravatar image

Implementing a ROS client library in C# is not trivial. Some information on the client protocol can be found here. What you essentially need to do is:

  • Implement the slave API which is based on XMLRPC.

  • Implement a message generator that parses msg files and generates C# code for serialization an deserialization

  • Implement the TCPROS transport.

Also have a look at this wiki page and this question.

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Asked: 2011-11-25 14:16:08 -0500

Seen: 652 times

Last updated: Feb 23 '12