Talker issue on Android pubsub tutorial
I have installed the pubsub android tutorial on an android device and have it connect to an external roscore in order to have a talker/listener system between the android device and the computer where roscore runs.
When a Talker on the computer publishes data on the "chatter" ros topic, this data is seen on the android device in the rosTextView node.
However, when a Talker on the android device publishes data on the "chatter" ros topic, this data is seen in the rosTextView node of the android device but it dos not appear using "rostopic echo /chatter" on the computer. However, the data published by the talker should be seen on the computer also.
Would you know how to fix this?
I thank you in advance.
P.S. Here is the main source code of the application if it can be of any help: