Transmit a ROS Video topic via video stream
Hi everyone,
I receive a Video stream from my Android device using gcam, process the ros video stream with ar_toolkit and opencv amen want to stream it back.
How can I transfer a ros video topic to a Video stream? Gscam works in one direction only.
Thanks, enjoy the weekend
Ok, more detailed: I plan to do the following chain:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Android -- video --> gstreamer ---> ROS ---> ROS ---> ? -- video ---> Android
device stream server gscam ar_pose stream
Steps 1 to 4 works fine. I integrate some texts and augmented stuff in the video, but I have no idea how to transfer a ROS video msg into a video stream.
Any suggestions? Best wishes
I wonder how difficult would it be to make gscam also work as a video sink.