octomap server rviz mapping
Hi Everybody
The launch file in octomap_server just listens to a incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap.
Well, I want to test it, for that I have made a node that transform laser scans to pointcloud2 and then it publishes the topic cl. hokuyo_listener_cu.cpp and a tf broadcaster tf_broadcaster.cpp, respectively.
I launch rviz and I add PointCloud2 with topic cl and it can visualize the map of the laser scan.
well; I now want to use octomap in ros to visualize the voxels from the laser coordinates. I got the source code over a SVN. I have use rosdep and rosmake to install octomap_mapping and octomap_visualization.
Then, I remap the line in the launch file remap from="cloud_in" to="cl" />
Then, I launch, roslaunch octomap_server octomap_mapping.launch
Then I open Rviz and I add a MarkerArray with topic /occupied_cells_vis_array. But I can not see anything in Rviz.
I run rxgraph and I can see that the octomap_server node can listen to the /cl topic and can broadcast /occupied_cells_vis array.
Why rviz can not visualize anything when I use octomap server?
In advance thank you
Hello, Is this issue sorted? I am not being able to take a look at your .cpp files. Can you please repost them?