ik service call fails
I'm doing a little IK work with a 7-DOF arm using ROS' IK service calls but with little luck. I want the ability to use either the collision free IK or just the regular IK service. I can connect to and see the /get_ik, /get_ik_solver_info, and /get_constraint_aware_ik with no problem, but when I send the solver a pose, I get the error:
Inverse kinematics service call failed
If I run the collision free IK with the same exact pose, it has no problem finding a solution and returning from the service. I can dig through the service calls and try and hunt down why it might err when the only difference is which service I connect to, but I was hoping someone here may know the culprit or why it may be acting up like this.
I might also add that yesterday before I left work, I had the get_ik service call working with no issues. Today, without changing a single thing, I have yet to be able to return successfully from the ik service call. I have restarted my simulation multiple times and verfied the rosservice is started as well as any controller I need.