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asked 2011-12-28 04:20:25 -0500

gopinath gravatar image

Hello, I am using UBUNTU 10.04 and i was successfully able to install ROS Electric and ROSJAVA. I was able to run ROSJAVA pub/sub examples without any error, I am now trying to install from hg clone and when I do rosmake I am getting the following error

Not sure what to do. There are so many installation pages with different instructions. Not sure which one is correct.

Please help

Regards GOPI


{------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rosrun rosjava_bootstrap android_rosserial Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 108, in <module> main(sys.argv) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 100, in main build(rospack, package) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 57, in build maven.write_ant_maven_dependencies(rospack, package, stream) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 298, in write_ant_maven_dependencies _write_maven_dependencies_group(rospack, package, 'compile', stream) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 255, in _write_maven_dependencies_group _map_package_dependencies(rospack, package, export_operator, scope=scope) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 105, in _map_package_dependencies _map_exports(rospack, dependency, export_operator, _transtive_dependency_scope_check, scope) File "/home/gopi/ros_workspace/rosjava/rosjava_bootstrap/src/main/python/rosjava_bootstrap/", line 86, in _map_exports package_directory = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir(package) File "/opt/ros/electric/ros/core/roslib/src/roslib/", line 220, in get_pkg_dir raise InvalidROSPkgException("Cannot locate installation of package %s: %s. ROS_ROOT[%s] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[%s]"%(package, rperr.strip(), ros_root, ros_package_path)) roslib.packages.InvalidROSPkgException: Cannot locate installation of package parsec_msgs: [rospack] couldn't find package [parsec_msgs]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/gopi/ros_workspace:/opt/ros/electric/stacks:/opt/ros/electric/stacks] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

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answered 2011-12-29 02:26:49 -0500

gopinath gravatar image

Never mind. I fixed the problem by deleting the android_rosserial from I am not sure this is required but I can get past and can compile all packages

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Asked: 2011-12-28 04:20:25 -0500

Seen: 319 times

Last updated: Dec 29 '11