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How to initial ROS node by XMLRPC on ROSCPP?

asked 2012-01-12 01:25:46 -0500

sam gravatar image

I want to implement C# client library.

And I tried to figure out how to init node with master and show a circle in rxgraph on roscpp. I tried to draw call graph to trace the whole procedure of ROSCPP.

My purpose of this stage is to use the "simplest" way to init ROS node and display on rxgraph.If possible,I will extend to the full features of C# client library.

And I found that in master.cpp:execute()

  180   XmlRpc::XmlRpcClient *c = XMLRPCManager::instance()->getXMLRPCClient(master_host, master_port, "/");

  192       b = c->execute(method.c_str(), request, response);
  1. Is these two lines init the node with master?

  2. How to send node name to master to show in rxgraph?

Thank you~

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answered 2012-01-12 03:10:54 -0500

ahendrix gravatar image
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Asked: 2012-01-12 01:25:46 -0500

Seen: 631 times

Last updated: Jan 12 '12