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CMake - Linking external C++ library

asked 2014-02-06 09:43:53 -0500

Phorce gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:35:49 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image


I have an external .cpp library that requires both the following libraries: atlas, llpack and lblas

Now if for example, I compile using terminal (on the same machine) I can use the following:

g++ main.cpp hmm.cpp -I /usr/include/atlas -L /usr/lib64/atlas/ -llapack -lblas

This will work. I don't know how to include these libraries into the CMake list in ROS. I have, currently, the following:

rosbuild_add_executable(build1 src/hmm.c)

What would I have to add into my CMake list to make this work?


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answered 2014-02-06 19:21:48 -0500

Wolf gravatar image

updated 2014-02-06 23:42:49 -0500

link_directories( /usr/lib64/atlas )

equivalent to -L /usr/lib64/atlas of gcc/g++

And after :

rosbuild_add_executable(build1 src/hmm.c)

you put

target_link_libraries( build1 lapack blas )

equivalent to -llapack -lblas

Note: First arg of target_link_libraries is the previously defined target to link.

Note: no prepended -l in target_link_libraries, i e. if your external lib is named you just add my_lib to target_link_libraries

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Asked: 2014-02-06 09:43:53 -0500

Seen: 7,061 times

Last updated: Feb 06 '14