Doing maths to a subscribed message to public a new one.
I'm working with xsense, and I saw that it's reference coordinate is north west up (quite wierd) and that ROS works with east north up, so I have to change the message that publishes my xsense node to the new reference sistem. The thing is that I know how to subscribe a message, and how to publish, but I don't know how to acess the message that I'm subscribin outside the callback function.
What I would like is something like:
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <sensro_msgs/Imu.h> void message_received(sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr& msg){ ROS_INFO("Received quaternion: (%f, %f, %f, %f)", msg->orientation.x, msg->orientation.y, msg->orientation.z, msg->orientation.w); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "nwu_to_enu"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::NodeHandle pn("~"); std::string frame_id; pn.param<std::string>("frame_id", frame_id, "gyro_link"); ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::imu>("imu/data", 10); ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe<sensor_msgs::imu>("xsens/imu/data", 1000, message_received); sensor_msgs::Imu msg_to_publish; //from now on the code might not be correct as I don't really know how to do it, that's my question. msg is the one that I have from the callback function and that I need to be able to access outside the callback function. msg_to_publish.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg_to_publish.header.frame_id = frame_id.c_str(); msg_to_publish.orientation.x = - msg->quaternion_x(); //I just change the sign as an example, I'll have to see which transform do I need. msg_to_publish.orientation.y = - msg->quaternion_y(); msg_to_publish.orientation.z = - msg->quaternion_z(); msg_to_publish.orientation.w = - msg->quaternion_w(); msg_to_publish.angular_velocity.x = msg->gyroscope_x(); msg_to_publish.angular_velocity.y = msg->gyroscope_y(); msg_to_publish.angular_velocity.z = msg->gyroscope_z(); msg_to_publish.linear_acceleration.x = msg->accelerometer_x(); msg_to_publish.linear_acceleration.y = msg->accelerometer_y(); msg_to_publish.linear_acceleration.z = msg->accelerometer_z(); pub.publish(msg_to_publish); }
Thank you for the help!