Talk to Your Robot
I have been using the tutorial files for making a turtlebot move under voice command. I have worked through all the tutorials and actually see the commands “ forward, rotate left. Etc “ display on the screen. Using the turtlebot dashboard diagnostic screen I can see the command words being posted via rospy.loginfo(). However, the TWIST commands do not seem to be Processing or possible not being posted to the bot. I switched over to use the teleop_keyboard and all works well.
It seems as if something is not turned on or I am missing something. I am running ROS Electric on both the bot and workstation.
I have used rostopoic echo /cmd_vel and see no output data
Using rostopic echo /turtlebot_node/cmd_vel I can see linerar and angular data being displayed. After issueing several commands you can see the linear data increase and decrease and angular data when commanding the bot to turn or rotate. The bot never moves.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated?