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accessing skeletal tracker data

asked 2012-02-09 14:28:07 -0500

mehhek gravatar image

I had a problem in accessing and processing of the data given by Kinect in Openni package. The problem is I am piping the Kinect data to a text file using

rostopic echo /tf >> data.txt

then I am simultaneously trying to access the same data file in another program, but once i run this program the previous command stops writing into the data file. Can anyone please tell how do I make the computer do both the tasks simultaneously?

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answered 2012-02-09 21:13:19 -0500

It sounds weird what you are trying. Of course it depends on the application but use this as thumb the rule:

  • If you want to see or store logging data: using ROS looging features and tools (like rxconsole) are recommended.
  • If you want to store structured data for an specific postprocessing or analysis: using rosbag is recommended.
  • If you want to communicate many processes: using the ROS communication mechanisms (topics, services, actions) are recommended.
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Asked: 2012-02-09 14:28:07 -0500

Seen: 296 times

Last updated: Feb 09 '12