Messages not getting subscribed using message_filters [closed]
I've been trying quite a long time to get the message_filters running, however, until now, it's still problematic. I am specifically interested in trying the code snippet in 5.2 (although I've tried a lot of the variants of them, including ones from policy-based), but I still couldn't be able to succeed.
My goal is actually to synchronize some messages coming in, to be called back in a single callback function. I think the one from section 5.2 would suffice for this purpose.
Nevertheless, they return neither error nor warnings, but when I check the output via rxgraph(if they are ever got subscribed), nothing appears there.
How should I debug it.
Thanks in advance.
Not rxgraph, instead rxconsole.
I've tried to subscribe using standard subscribers and I observed that the timestamp for the both requested messages are the same like below:
From poseLD
Time: 1329078573.249072112
[ INFO] [1329078573.249784103]:
From poseLS
Time: 1329078573.249072112
From poseLD
Time: 1329078573.582401742
[ INFO] [1329078573.582850256]:
From poseLS
Time: 1329078573.582401742