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rgbd_launch does publish image_rec

asked 2014-03-13 06:28:27 -0500

davevh gravatar image

In Hydro, I create a launch file with the following to get data from my attached Kinect:

<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch"/> <node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="dynparam" args="set_from_parameters /camera/driver"> </node>

It publishes a lot of stuff but not "/camera/depth_registered/image_rect". This worked fine with Groovy.


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1 Answer

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answered 2014-03-13 06:29:56 -0500

davevh gravatar image

updated 2014-03-13 06:45:45 -0500

Misleading title: should be openni_launch does not publish image_rect.

In Hydro, I create a launch file with the following to get data from my attached Kinect:

<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch" />"
<node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="dynparam" args="set_from_parameters /camera/driver">
  <param name="image_mode" value="2" />
  <param name="depth_mode" value="2" /> 
  <param name="depth_registration" value="true" />
  <param name="data_skip" value="5" />

It publishes a lot of stuff but not "/camera/depth_registered/image_rect". This worked fine with Groovy.


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Asked: 2014-03-13 06:28:27 -0500

Seen: 171 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '14