unable to locate package ros-hydro-visp-tracker
Hello, for some reason I'm unable to install this package, I'm using this command:
sudo apt-get install -y ros-hydro-visp-tracker
and this is the error I'm getting:
executing command [sudo apt-get install -y ros-hydro-visp-tracker]
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-hydro-visp-tracker
ERROR: the following rosdeps failed to install
apt: command [sudo apt-get install -y ros-hydro-visp-tracker] failed
What is the error message ? And just in case you misspelled "hydro"
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package ros-hydro-visp-tracker ERROR: the following rosdeps failed to install apt: command [sudo apt-get install -y ros-hydro-visp-tracker] failed
You should edit your question to add that kind of information. It'll be easier for everyone.
thanks, but do you have any idea how to solve the problem ?