Communicating with ROS over network - do not use host names
I am trying have two computers communicate over a network as described here:
The problem is, no matter what I do, it seems that ros tries to communicate using hostnames. I want to use IP addresses only.
on both computers I have tried setting both ROS_IP and ROS_HOSTNAME to their own respective IP addresses.
-Both computers are able to ping eachother
ROS_MASTER_URI is set to http:// master.IP.Add.ress:11311 on both computers
upon running rospy_tutorials on the "other" computer, it shows up under node list on the "host" computer. However, if I run rosnode info on the talker, it says:
contacting node http:// ubuntu:33802/ ... ERROR: Communication with node[http://ubuntu:33802/] failed!
Running the listener, or rostopic echo on the talker yields no results. Why can't I get rid of the "ubuntu" hostname? I just want IP addresses.
note: had to add spaces after "http://" because it said insufficient karma to post links