Getting Depth and RGB image with Xtion Pro Live using Openni_Camera/Openni_Launch
We are attempting to get a depth image and an RGB image from the Xtion Pro live. The problem I'm having is after subscribing to the camera/rgb/image_raw topic we can listen to RGB images but when we close the subscription and subscribe to the camera/depth/image_raw topic no images are being received. This also happens in the opposite order after subscribing to the camera/depth/image_raw topic we can listen to depth images but when we close the subscription and subscribe to camera/rgb/image_raw no images are being received. We assume the Xtion is getting stuck in a mode but we haven't figured out how to manually switch between RGB and depth mode. It might be worth noting we are running this on ARM (Odroid U2) using Ros Hydro.
I am having the same problem using Odroid U3 Ros Hydro. Have you found a solution? We are trying to run RGBDSLAM on a separate workstation with the data coming from the Odroid.