How to use "tags" with rosdoc_lite to build documentation for entire Catkin Workspace.
I am trying to get Doxygen documentation generated for our internal project. Our project is a catkin workspace, with a lot of our own packages.
Right now, I have a script which will generate the documentation for each individual package, using rosdoc_lite. I am trying to understand how to expand this to use tags, and so each package properly cross-references each other.
My current attempt to do this (which isn't working correctly) is to run rosdoc_lite with the "-g" and "-o" flags to build the tag file, and output the code. Then I run rosdoc_lite a second time, with the "-t" switch that points to a yaml file that points to the output and generated tag files. My reasoning here is that the tag files need to first be generated, and then the second time all the cross-references can be generated.
However, this approach does not seem to work, and each package ends up not having the "Classes" tab on the top, and each package has the same set of namespaces that show up, which don't actually correspond to the local package.
Here's the excerpt from my script:
# First run through to generate tags for each package
for path in $PACKAGE_DIRS
PACKAGE_NAME=`basename $path`
echo "Package Name: $PACKAGE_NAME"
echo "Path: $path"
echo "- docs_url: file://$OUTPUT_DIR/$PACKAGE_NAME/html" >> $TAG_YAML_FILE
echo " location: file://$OUTPUT_DIR/$PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_NAME.tag" >> $TAG_YAML_FILE
# Second run that should have cross references
for path in $PACKAGE_DIRS
PACKAGE_NAME=`basename $path`
echo "Package Name: $PACKAGE_NAME"
echo "Path: $path"
rosdoc_lite -t $TAG_YAML_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIR/$PACKAGE_NAME $path
echo "<li>$PACKAGE_NAME: <a href=\"$PACKAGE_NAME/html/index.html\">Code API</a> <a href=\"$PACKAGE_NAME/html/index-msg.html\">MSG API</a></li>" >> $INDEX_FILE
Hi, I have exactly the same problem...did you find a solution in the end?
Unfortunately, no I have not. I didn't spend much more time trying to figure out as there were more pressing issues.