Best way to send a goal with move_base that is off the global costmap?
Hi Guys,
Using Hydro's navigation stack and move_base, I am trying to send a goal/waypoint to the robot that is at least 1000 meters away from the robots current position, if not more.
The local planner that I am using is: dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS
The global planner that I am using is: navfn/NavfnROS
For the local and global costmap, I do not have a "static_map", so that is false, and I have turned rolling_window to true.
What is the best way to send a waypoint that is pretty far away from the robots current position without growing the size of the global costmap to be 1000 x 1000 meters or larger?
I do not want to have the robot plan the whole distance at once, as this would take a very long time, but plan as it goes, maybe every 20 meters without stopping, to get to the 1000 meter waypoint.
Is there a way to do this with the navigation stack?
Thank you in advance for your responses.