How do I fix the error: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'queue_size'?
I am running Groovy on Ubuntu 12.04. I just apt-get upgraded my ros-groovy packages (to version 0.5.4-0precise-20140417-0429-+0000) and now code that used to work fine is suddenly broken. I am simply publishing an empty message on a topic from javascript using roslibjs (revision 6) and subscribing with a smach_ros.MonitorState. I get the error: "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'queue_size'". I have tried several versions of roslibjs, so I assume the problem might lie with recent changes in rosbridge. I wish I had never run 'apt-get upgrade' as everything was working well before I did. Any suggestions on how to fix this error or how to revert back to previous versions of ros-groovy packages that were working before? Thanks!