position of ar_alvar markers on Baxter robot [closed]
I am new to ROS and I try to detect the position of AR alvar markers in a video stream coming from a Baxter robot.
For that I use the following command:
rosrun ar_track_alvar individualMarkersNoKinect 5 0.1 0.1 /cameras/right_hand_camera/image /cameras/right_hand_camera/camera_info world
As I understood the documentation this should transform the published coordinate frame to the right position in the world coordinate frame.
If I visualize this in RVIZ (topic /visualization_marker
) the markers are detected but they do not overlap the markers in the image. In RVIZ they seem to have the right z-coordinate but the x and z coordinate are off. I also tried to specify other frames of the robot like right_gripper, right_wrist, right_hand, world or head. However, the position of the markers does never change regardless what frame I specify.
My question is if I understand the alvar package right and there should be a automatic transformation of the coordinate system so that the printed and the virtual markers overlap?
Also , if there is such a transformation, I would be very thankful for any tipps or ideas where to find the cause of the problem.