Differential Drive Parameters in Stage [closed]

asked 2014-05-23 11:40:27 -0500

anonymous user


Hello, I'm trying to do the forward kinematics on a differential drive robot created in stage, I need to control it with only the information of the initial pose. The problem is that I need same parameters of the robot created, like the radius of the wheel and the distance between the wheels. The robot was created just like an example found:

define erratic position ( size [1 1 0.25] # simplified Body shape: block( points 8 point[0] [-0.5 0.4] point[1] [-0.5 -0.4] point[2] [-0.4 -0.5] point[3] [0.4 -0.5] point[4] [0.5 -0.28] point[5] [0.5 0.4] point[6] [0.4 0.5] point[7] [-0.4 0.5] z [0 2] ) origin [-0.05 0 0 0]

drive "diff" # Differential steering model. gui_nose 1 # Draw a nose on the robot so we can see which way it points obstacle_return 1 # Can hit things. ranger_return 0.5 # reflects sonar beams blob_return 1 # Seen by blobfinders
fiducial_return 1 # Seen as "1" fiducial finders

topurg(pose [ 0.050 0.000 0 0.000 ]) )

At first, I thought the distance between the wheels was equal to one (wheels in the border of the robot), but using this value I cannot calculate precisely the instantaneous center of rotation ICC.

I'm able to use the angular and linear velocities W and V to control the robot. But I need at least one more information to be able to simulate the forward kinetics map.

Does anybody know how to get the radius of the wheels, or the distance between than, or at least the velocities of each wheel in a differential robot in stage?

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2022-05-26 14:50:28.396368