dependency issue Hydro Raspberry Pi [closed]

asked 2014-06-05 10:00:18 -0600

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I am following the Wiki instructions on a NOOB install of hydro on Raspberry Pi

Exception caught during install: Error processing 'ros_comm/rosbag' : [ros_comm/rosbag] Checkout of version release/hydro/rosbag/1.10.2-0 into /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag failed.

ERROR in config: Error processing 'ros_comm/rosbag' : [ros_comm/rosbag] Checkout of version release/hydro/rosbag/1.10.2-0 into /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag failed.

then I tried:

pi@rosberry ~/ros_catkin_ws $ cd src pi@rosberry ~/ros_catkin_ws/src $ git clone Cloning into 'ros_comm-release'... remote: Reusing existing pack: 95971, done. remote: Total 95971 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Receiving objects: 100% (95971/95971), 11.63 MiB | 612 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (32900/32900), done.

pi@rosberry ~/ros_catkin_ws/src $ rosdep update reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d -----**---- Add distro "indigo" updated cache in /home/pi/.ros/rosdep/sources.cache

pi@rosberry ~/ros_catkin_ws/src $ cd .. pi@rosberry ~/ros_catkin_ws $ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y --os=debian:wheezy ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: rostopic: No definition of [rosbag] for OS [debian] rosmsg: No definition of [rosbag] for OS [debian]

I checked, there is an /etc/os-release file that says debian -- wheezy The lsb_release command also reports debian -- wheezy

So I am stuck on getting hydro up on Pi. I have got hydro up on Beaglebone Black, Radxa Rock and Pandaboard using a ubuntu install for hydro, with only minor dependency issues.


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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2018-01-30 22:08:25.926224