Can't read bagfile containing custom messages
I have a bag file with video and imu data defined with custom messages that I want to read (especially topics /capture and /imu_raw). I know from documentation what the structure of the custom messages is. How can I read the data?
Doing rosbag info on the file shows:
libks/ImageSet [b3ef08c9cff052c83f5039d098add069]
pximu/AttitudeData [bc609da5ddac9016c096c67da33d8b9c]
pximu/RawIMUData [0380911195329d307d8f033bc714dbbf]
/attitude 2174 msgs : pximu/AttitudeData
/capture 3282 msgs : libks/ImageSet
/imu_raw 10873 msgs : pximu/RawIMUData
I cannot play the file with 'rosbag play', probably because rosbag doesn't know the message definitions. Therefore, I thought I needed to use migration(see http_wiki_ros_org/rosbag_migration) and provide custom message definitions (see http_wiki_ros_org/msg) and use them in a rule file. I made a new package 'bag_analyser", and added the custom messages to the 'msg' folder and compiled. E.g. for ImageSet I made a file ImageSet.msg:
Header header
sensor_msgs/Image[] images
This seems to work, e.g. for ' rosmsg show bag_analyser/ImageSet' I get:
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
sensor_msgs/Image[] images
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
uint32 height
uint32 width
string encoding
uint8 is_bigendian
uint32 step
uint8[] data
I also made messages for RawIMUData and AttitudeData. Then I generated a rules file (rules.bmr, see full output at end), adjusted the rules that needed to be adjusted and executed:
rosbag fix original_bag.bag converted_bag.bag rules.bmr
which told me "bag migrated successfully". Doing rosbag info on the converted file gives me:
types: bag_analyser/AttitudeData [bc609da5ddac9016c096c67da33d8b9c]
bag_analyser/ImageSet [b3ef08c9cff052c83f5039d098add069]
bag_analyser/RawIMUData [0380911195329d307d8f033bc714dbbf]
topics: /attitude 2174 msgs : bag_analyser/AttitudeData
/capture 3282 msgs : bag_analyser/ImageSet
/imu_raw 10873 msgs : bag_analyser/RawIMUData
My problem is that I still cannot read the file. I tried using 'rosbag play' but it simply gives me:
[ INFO] [1402332944.127314834]: Opening converted_bag.bag
[FATAL] [1402332944.127848761]: Error opening file: converted_bag.bag
I also tried reading in the file using the rosbag API, which also fails opening the file (code in image_converter.cpp below). I changed the bagfile's permissions and set it to allow read/write/execute just to make sure it wasn't that. What am I doing wrong? How can I read the data from the file? I am fairly new to ROS, so any help or tips are greatly appreciated!
File listings:
folder bag/analyser/msg
Header header
sensor_msgs/Image[] images
Header header
# Measured accelerations (in x, y, z)
Vector3f acc
# Measured angular speeds (around x, y, z)
Vector3f gyro
# Measured magnetic field (around x , y, z)
Vector3f mag
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
Header header
# roll angle [rad]
float32 roll
# pitch angle [rad]
float32 pitch
# yaw angle [rad]
float32 yaw
# roll angular speed [rad/s]
float32 rollspeed
# pitch angular speed [rad/s]
float32 pitchspeed
# yaw angular speed [rad/s]
float32 yawspeed
bag_analyser/image_converter.cpp ( includes message definition for ImageSet.h and tries to use rosbag API to read file):
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include ...