Openni log file location and how to enable it
Hi all,
- Could anyone tell me where is the Log folder when running Niviewer or Niviewer2? I install openni 1.5.4 and openni2 through ros package through apt-get as a dependence of ros-hydro-openni-camera and ros-hydro-openni2-camera. I installed Niviewer and Niviewer2 through openni-utils in apt-get. I assume I will get the same Log folder location when I run through ros-hydro-openni-launch and please correct me if I'm wrong.
I also want to make sure the right way to enable the log file is to modify the line in /etc/openni/GlobalDefaults.ini (Openni) or in /etc/openni2/OpenNi.ini from
Do I have to restart the computer for the modification to take effect or is there anyway for it to take effect without restarting the computer?
Did you look in `~/.ros`?
I looked at ~/.ros, didn't find any clue. ~/.ros contains only ros related log.