Replace move_base planners with a real-time algorithm
Hello everyone,
I'm currently using move_base and it works fine for me. I'm going to write my own planner based on a real-time planning algorithm. As you know in the real-time search there is no complete path to the goal because we need to decide what action to take soon. So we search forward until s time limit is reached, then the path with minimum cost is selected and this cycle repeats until we reach the goal (there is no guarantee that the path is optimum). So I think I need to wipe out local_planner and global_planner and replace them with only one real-time algorithm. I took a look at the move_base code ( ) and it looks so confusing to me. I don't know where should I start and what parts of the code should be replaced or removed. I appreciate your help in advance.
What parts of move_base would you like to retain?
I think I can keep cost maps for a real-time planner and only wipe out global and local planners.