tf impact on perf (tf design)
Hi all,
I have been playing with tf a bit and I am wondering about its perfs mainly related to design reasons. Maybe some of you can put some light on my thoughts... Here they are:
tf is kind of a swiss knife for transforms, it ensures communication between nodes even distantly, buffers the data for history access, makes transformations between frames automatically... This is really great for ease of use, though:
- tf buffers the transforms for historic access, it is all sorted for fast access, but even though the access is as fast as possible searching in a sorted list comes at a high cost
- The frames are accessed by name (e.g. listener.lookupTransform("/ee_link", "/world", ros::Time(0), transform);), this access implies another search in a sorted list for the name: argh!
- robot_state_publisher sends data we may not use, as it is over TCP/IP (and not via shared memory or so) it has an impact on perf
- Especially as most use cases have nodes exchange transforms data on the same machine
- Interpolation / extrapolation...
I am coming from the RT physics simulation / control world and so far I would have banned all the points mentioned above and traded all them off for a super-fast raw data structure with a uber-simple dereferencing for access. Is there something I missed or using tf has an enormous hit on perf?