MoveIt: get current desired end effector pose
Hello there,
I am trying to get access to the current desired end effector's transform output by MoveIt (actually my goal is to compute the tracking error). My feeling is that I need to do the following steps:
- Get the desired joint angles from MoveIt
- Parse the urdf (to build a direct geometric model), or is there a package which computes the direct geometric model of the robot out of its urdf?
- Compute the end effector's desired transform from the geometric model and the desired joint angles
Am I right?
Now a question more related to code:
I guess the desired joint angles are provided by moveit in topic /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal, no? This topic is of type control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal
(api in ROS Kinetic). I also guess the trajectory is in field goal.trajectory.points.positions. fields points and positions are arrays: do you know how I should interpret them? Also does the fact that these are arrays mean that the whole desired trajectory is sent at one and not per small time steps?