Gmapping - just the last scan mapped
Hi everyone,
I am writing a code to do obstacle motion detection... To do so I need the current map of the environment, save it in time t, and compare this map with the one obtained in the next iteration...
Gmapping provides a global map, a map that contains every information scanned by the laser! I want a map that just represents the last scan! I need it to update the map, but to only show the last scan!
How can I solve this? Is possible to change something in the Gmapping parameters? Is there any package that does something similar?
Thank you!
From the title I removed "urgent", which can raise an attention to maintainers for the need of immediate work -- this ticket looks like not the case.
Hi! I said it is urgent because it actually is urgent! I have my thesis to be delivered very soon and I need a correct answer ASAP!
Please review the guidelines. People here usually help as soon as they can on their own time.