ar_tag_alvar frame not found
Dear ROS users, I'm using ar_tag_alvar, starting from example launch file already in the package. When launching, I get Frame id / does not exist!, despite I set <arg name="output_frame" default="ptu_pan_tilt_link"/> in the launch file. Thank you very much!
when a tag is recognized, the node is not able to set the parent frame: /ar_marker_4_corrected exists with parent NO_PARENT.
Open up rqt and check the transform-tree, sounds like you have unconnected trees
the transform-tree seems correct. Furthermore, it seems a problem related to the camera: using another device connected to PC it works. Could it be a problem on camera setting? I'm using gscam to gather stream from a commercial webcam
the problem was on Image topic, where frame_id of header was not set. Thank you for your support!