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Current map provided with laser scan

asked 2014-09-10 11:46:50 -0600

AliAs gravatar image

updated 2014-09-11 10:23:51 -0600

Hi, I am new in ROS and I want to do a SLAM using gmapping package with "laser scan" and "odometry data". In the first step I just want to see the current map provided with laser scan in fixed location (x = 0, y = 0, theta = 0) in rviz. I have laser scan topic but I don't have a odometry data yet, so I want to make a fake odometry data. For this I think I should publish a TF data with all zeros. I think I should do some thing like this link:

1 <launch>

2 <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="link1_broadcaster" args="1 0 0 0 0 0 1 link1_parent link1 100"/>

3 </launch>

Am I in the right path? could you please tell me what should I do in details? or show me some references?

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-09-10 11:57:18 -0600

SaiHV gravatar image

If you're using a laser scanner, using hector_mapping can be easier than gmapping. Launch the mapping program and publish a 0,0,0 static transform between base_link and laser to account for your non existent odometry and you should be set.

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_to_laser_tf" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link laser 100"/>

Just my two cents.

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answered 2014-09-11 10:42:22 -0600

AliAs gravatar image

updated 2014-09-11 11:20:40 -0600

Thank you SaiHV. Should I write your piece of code in a launch file? I tried to launch the following launch file but it fail.



<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_to_laser_tf" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link laser 100"/>


and this is the error:


rosrun will locate PACKAGE and try to find

an executable named EXECUTABLE in the PACKAGE tree.

If it finds it, it will run it with ARGS.

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Hi, try this.

  1. Download hector_slam fro here.
  2. Do a roslaunch hector_mapping mapping.launch
  3. Then do a roslaunch faketf.launch from whichever directory you have the faketf.launch
SaiHV gravatar image SaiHV  ( 2014-09-11 11:39:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-09-10 11:46:50 -0600

Seen: 889 times

Last updated: Sep 11 '14