Two cameras (uEye + Kinect)
Hey everyone,
I'd like to record image streams from two cameras at the same time. One is a uEye (using the uEye driver) and the other is a Asus Xtion Pro Kinect-like (using the ROS openni_camera package).
Starting data retrieval nodes for both cameras is not a problem. Displaying one of them with image_view also works. However, I cannot display or record (with rosbag) them both at the same time. The OpenNi will display just fine, but the uEye stops sending data.
I've dug into the code, and the problem seems to be that whenever the OpenNi is active (i.e., being recorded or displayed), the is_GetImageMem
method within the libueye_api
shared object changes behaviour: It receives a pointer and will change it to the new frame's address. The faulty behaviour results in the pointer not being changed, and indeed the image data at that address does not change either.
Has anyone seen similar behaviour? Or used a uEye camera together with a different camera?
Thanks for any help!
TL;DR: When OpenNi camera is being used, the uEye camera stops generating new frames.