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How to publish frontier locations from occupancy maps

asked 2014-09-19 13:33:33 -0500

crzx5 gravatar image

updated 2014-09-19 15:28:51 -0500


I'm trying to figure out how to publish either markers or other data representing unexplored frontiers to rviz or another node. By frontier, I mean the boundary between open and unexplored space in a 2D occupancy map. I know that hector_exploration_planner does this internally and generates a single goal, after which hector_exploration_controller moves the robot to the said goal. However, I would like to play an intermediary role in the goal-determination process and then manually move the vehicle to the goal I select. Does anyone have any recommendations for ros packages that determine and publish all frontiers, or alternatively, information on how to use hector_exploration_explorer to publish this information?

Much appreciated! Please let me know if any additional information would be useful.

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-09-22 08:54:35 -0500

paulbovbel gravatar image

frontier_exploration publishes frontier locations as a pointcloud, but also only for visualization purposes. You would have to modify the explore_server state machine in order to make external frontier decisions.

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answered 2014-09-22 02:22:38 -0500

Sebastian Kasperski gravatar image

I used nav_msgs/GridCells to publish all frontier cells and show them in RVIZ. But this was only for visualization, not to do any further processing in another node.

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Asked: 2014-09-19 13:33:33 -0500

Seen: 692 times

Last updated: Sep 22 '14