How to run people package succesfully?
Hi, all! I am learning and trying to run people package on a real kobuki( i.e. turtlebot2) with a hokuyo laser under hydro of ROS. Because there is no tutorial on how to run and use it . I have to try to find out how to write a launch file to run it on a real kobuki. However, I encounter a problem which is same with this post.
I also can't launch the filter.launch from people_tracking_filter. The key parts for running people package is listed as follows
<include file="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/launch/includes/move_base.launch.xml"/>
<arg name="limit" default="0.2" />
<param name="/leg_detector/leg_reliability_limit" value="$(arg limit)" type="double"/>
<include file="$(find map_laser)/lfilter.launch"/>
<node pkg="leg_detector" type="leg_detector" name="leg_detector" args="scan:=scan_filtered $(find leg_detector)/config/trained_leg_detector.yaml"/>
<include file="$(find people_tracking_filter)/launch/filter.launch"/>
<node name="velocity_tracker" pkg="people_velocity_tracker" type="" respawn="true" />
Please note that the sub-package map_laser doesn't exist in the hydro branch of People package, I downloaded it from an unofficial site of it to use lfilter.launch as some launch files in People Package show.
I also check the cpp code of people_tracking_filter by Qtcreator. Some header file (.h) can't be traced. Does anyone can give me guidance on how to run it succesfully? Thank you!