cannot launch node head_pointer on pr2_surrogate, Oculus Rift dk1
Hey Guys,
I am trying to use pr2_surrogate with oculus dk1. I get the oculus working with rviz and the kinect rendering to it, but I can't get the robot head to follow the head tracking. After I initialize robot.launch I get the following:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [pr2_surrogate/head_pointer]: can't locate node [head_pointer] in package [pr2_surrogate] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [pr2_surrogate/arm_mover]: can't locate node [arm_mover] in package [pr2_surrogate] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [pr2_surrogate/arm_mover]: can't locate node [arm_mover] in package [pr2_surrogate]
Any ideias on what it could be?
Have you built the pr2_surrogate package?
I was using catkin_make on top of ws, figured I had to do make on pr2_surrogate folder for some reason. Sorry, newbie here :)
hello, I have the same problem with you. Did you solve this problem? Could you tell me how?