Waiting for the joint_trajectory_action server
Hey Guys, I am trying to do some demos on a real Pr2, but I cant make it move it arms.
At first, I tried http://wiki.ros.org/pr2_interactive_m... And there occurs no error, robot comes up and on my desktop, rviz shows up all Ok, but then when I try to move its arms to the front or so it doesnt move.
So I tried something even more basic: pr2_props On Robot roslaunch pr2_props pr2_props.launch And on the desktop rosrun pr2_props hug
But I keep getting this message on a loop:
[ INFO] [1413233159.293564120]: Waiting for the joint_trajectory_action server
[ INFO] [1413233164.293692161]: Waiting for the joint_trajectory_action server
[ INFO] [1413233169.293832716]: Waiting for the joint_trajectory_action server
[ INFO] [1413233174.293930410]: Waiting for the joint_trajectory_action server
Any ideas what it could be?
@pr1023:~$ rosrun pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager list
base_controller ( running )
base_odometry ( running )
head_camera_trigger ( running )
head_traj_controller ( running )
l_arm_controller ( running )
l_forearm_cam_trigger ( running )
l_gripper_controller ( running )
laser_tilt_controller ( running )
projector_controller ( running )
projector_trigger ( running )
prosilica_inhibit_projector_controller ( running )
r_arm_controller ( running )
r_forearm_cam_trigger ( running )
r_gripper_controller ( running )
torso_controller ( running )
these are my controllers. is it how it is supposed to be or am I missing something?
This could be a network problem. Does it work if you run everything on the robot?
Well, tuckarms work just fine. Could this be a network problem just for the controllers? Cause, on the desktop, using pr2_interactive_manipulation, Rviz shows correct information/states of the robot, so it receives data on the network. When I click 'move right arm', however, then it doesnt work.