Simulation of Navigation_2D/nav2d package in Gazebo
I am currently trying to implement the navigation_2d package using Gazebo with a Husky Robot Model and am facing several problems. Is there anyone out there who has managed to successfully implement the navigation_2d package in Gazebo?
EDIT: So far, I have managed to successfully launch Gazebo, however I believe there is an error in the tf tree. The following warning is seen when the launch is started:
Node: /Operator Time: 05:30:35.510000000 (1970-01-01) Severity: Warn Published Topics: /rosout
Waiting on transform from base_link to odom to become available before running costmap, tf error:
Location: /tmp/buildd/ros-hydro-costmap-2d-1.11.11-0quantal-20140919-0015/src/costmap_2d_ros.cpp:Costmap2DROS::Costmap2DROS:95
The launch file, tf tree, rqt_graph and images of the simulation once launched, can be found here.
When the command to start mapping is issued, the following error is printed:
Could not get robot position: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
Basically, I do not understand why the robot fails to localize. If it is an error in the tf tree, do I need to modify the sdf file of the Husky IIRC? The simulation, despite inputting the laser scan data, does not localize the robot nor create a map. Any help at all will be gratefully accepted. I apologize for the overload of information.
Thank you.
What is your specific problem?