Cannot use java classes to execute prolog predicates
Hi. I wanted to instantiate some classes from my owl file using the data received from sensor ROS node. So I defined some predicates to do that (very similar to the predicates given in knowron_perception_tutorial package) in a .pl file. I am loading this prolog file while launching json_prolog launcher. I also made a subscriber and knowledge_update functions/threads in java, following the same package. I am using a python node that publishes sensor data.
The problem is that when I try to query the knowledge base using a python script, I get the following error: Prolog query failed: PrologException: error(java_exception(@('J#00000000001832433860')), 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError')"
I am guessing that the java class files(generated using ROSMAKE) is not accessible. I have made the file path reference in java and CMakeList similar to the way done in knowledge_perception_tutorial. What am I missing? Thanks.