C# display a point cloud
I got the point cloud data (9830400byte array) in windows, which cames from ubuntu ROS Indigo. As far as i know the 9830400byte = 640 * 480 * 4 chanels(rgba) * 8(different z corinates). And i wanted to display it in a windows form. Anyone know any method how can i do it?
Thanks for your help!
How are you getting your point cloud data? Do you have a ROS subscriber on windows, or some other way of transferring the point cloud data?
I have a ROS.NET client on windows, and i subscibed to /camera/depth/points with a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message type. And i ment the uint8[] data size is 9830400byte = 640 * 480 * 4 chanels(rgba) * 8(different z corinates). And i wanted to display it.. somehow.. in a windows froms app.