Cartesian trajectory description: which message type?
Hi all,
I need to describe a cartesian trajectory using messages. This trajectory description should contain:
- a reference frame
- an array of waypoints
and each waypoint should contain:
- a time
- a cartesian position (i.e. a transform or say a frame)
- a cartesian velocity
- a cartesian acceleration
Now I thought this must already exist and I had a look in common_msgs. I have stumbled accross:
- trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory: which does what I want but for (multiple) joints, I could use it for my case but this would be kind of a hack, no?
- nav_msgs/Path: only includes positions (no speed, nor acceleration)
Is the ROS standard way to use trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory? Or do you know if there is any other message which could better fit my needs?