How to use a sdk (non-ros header/lib/binaries) in ros package?
I am trying to use a camera sdk to write a camera stream publisher in ros.
It's not a uvc camera, so I cannot use usb_cam or other similar nodes to access the camera stream.
I've already had the camera sdk consisting of ASICamera.h/libASICamera.a/, and I've successfully got it running.
But now I don't know how to use it in a ros node.
After I add the header files into the package/include directory
and #include "ASICamera.h" into the publisher node,
I type catkin_make. it reports:
make[2]: * [asi_converter_real/CMakeFiles/asi_converter_real.dir/src/asi_converter_real.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: * [asi_converter_real/CMakeFiles/asi_converter_real.dir/all] Error 2
I think the reason is that I have not add the .a and .so into the publisher node.
But I don't know how to do this
In the package.xml, it seems that
build_depend and run_depend tags can only access ros-inbuilt static/dynamic libraries, how could I use my own .a and .so in a ros node ?