Port Questions and (Initial) Feedback from Controller via Simple Message - ROS-I
Hello ROS-Community!
I would still like to use my computer (Matlab, Simulink, C++) like a "controller" and therefor write a little driver. It is not yet necessary to run it on the real B&R Controller or to have some robot included yet. This is a goal for me to reach, at least for some better understanding. And I think I am pretty close to the solution.
So what I do on the ROS-Side:
I roslaunch industrial_robot_client robot_interface_streaming.launch
and it connects to my "controller". No further Error or Warnings, etc. My Controller runs at the moment Hercules as a server that listens to Port 11000.
Afterwards I run my modified test_move.py
. The changes are only because of the joint names, but more information can be found in one of my questions I got solved here earlier.
If I rosrun anypkg test_move
it works and finishes but I get an error message on the tab where I roslaunched before from the action node:
[ERROR] [1416913963.582113224]: Joint trajectory action rejected: waiting for (initial) feedback from controller
We had this once earlier, if you follow to the mode of test_move, but now I am on to write my small "conroller"-specific driver. How do I need to build up an initial feedback for my laptop of a fake feedback and on which ports do I need to send them?
Edit: If I wait long enough after the roslaunch I get this error message, which I may should look to work out first:
[ERROR] [1416915304.267290322]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Connection timed out' (errno: 110)
I also get it if I do roslaunch and afterwards rosrun: I get the first error message first and some time later the next. Hercules thereby states that the Connection is established? Maybe some problems with the ports?
As I found out over WireShark there are two ports in use when launching the robot_interface_streaming.launch.
- 11000
- 11002
Why and how to use those, like what should be used to receive or send on which node?