Run .launch file with arg from .launch file
I would like to use a master .launch file to run another .launch file, but with an arg.
Specifically, I am attempting to create a .launch file which would be equivalent to running:
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch camera:=openni
This is what I am currently attempting for my .launch file:
<!-- Defining the arguments -->
<arg name="Kinect" value="1"/>
<!-- Start the Kinect (openni_camera) -->
<group if="$(arg Kinect)">
<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch" arg="$camera:=openni" />
The .launch file runs correctly and openni.launch works fine, but it does not seem to be running the arg camera:=openni. I can tell because I cannot view the tf topics in Rviz from openni_tracker.
I am currently using catkin in ROS Hydro with Ubuntu 12.04. I appreciate your help. Thank you.
Can't you copy the openni launch file to your own folder and pass that argument inside it?
I am not quite sure what you mean by this.