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Is it possible to have a Service node in Python and the Client node in C++?

asked 2014-12-23 06:00:50 -0500

mutzechai gravatar image

I am trying to use the rosserial library, in order to communicate my PC and an Arduino Mega 2560. As rosserial for PC is only available in Python and I already have an entire code in C++, that's the reason of my question. Thanks in advance

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-12-24 02:57:06 -0500

wchar gravatar image

Yes. ROS is a multi-lingual OS, the service-client specification is at the messaging layer. P2P communication occurs in XML-RPC. So you can just write your code in any language supported and let the mid-layer handle this for you. You can take a look at the original paper:

Hope this helps.

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Asked: 2014-12-23 06:00:50 -0500

Seen: 499 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '14