Turtlebot arm on Gazebo: lets fall all grasped objects
Hi all, I have managed to fully simulate the turtlebot arm on Gazebo (ROS indigo + Gazebo 2.2.3), but when I try to run the block manipulation demo, the robot can grasp the blocks but then let them fall instead of raising them. So seems to me that there must be 0 friction between the gripper's fingers and the blocks (see a video) I have tried to modify fingers and blocks descriptions as described in this gazebo answer but all failed (particularly I tried different combinations of mu1, mu2, kp, kd and minDepth). I also set the blocks mass to almost 0 and same result. So I need something different...
I took a look to he pull req mentioned on this other answer but I have no idea what is this patch fixing. I found nothing like a gripper plugin in the Gazebo version I'm using (I tried to add one to my robot's URDF but Gazebo crashed!)
Other thing I can be doing wrong is that my gripper controller is a position controller, so I wonder if the gripper just closes until the side of the cubes (2.5 cm) + 2 x minDepth and then don't exert any additional force over the blocks and so they fall. But I was playing with torque controllers and they are really a pain in Gazebo, making the arm to self-disintegrate!!!
Any clues? Is there a Gazebo gripper plugin in later versions? Or should I try to use a torque controller instead of a position one?
Thank you a lot!
I have tried an effort controller as explained here, but this provokes a rather esoteric fault on kobuki base! No idea how both things can interfere each other.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1422289543.637095] [104.140000] Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: joint_state_controller, gripper_joint, arm_controller
[INFO] [WallTime: 1422289543.646707] [104.150000] Started controllers: joint_state_controller, gripper_joint, arm_controller
process[move_group-20]: started with pid [3501]
[ WARN] [1422289543.848301993, 104.300000000]: Gazebo ROS Kobuki plugin: NaN in d1. Step time: 0.01, WD: 0.07, velocity: -nan
[ WARN] [1422289543.849198941, 104.300000000]: Gazebo ROS Kobuki plugin: NaN in d2. Step time: 0.01, WD: 0.07, velocity: -nan
Error: TF_NAN_INPUT: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "base_footprint" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a nan value in the transform (218....
Works! Following Jim's answer I manage to grasp a cube. Downside is that success rate is very low (blocks must be in front of the robot and even like that sometimes fails, as blocks rode out of the gripper). Another problem is that, as Jim and as in this gazebo answer, you need to wait around 10 seconds until the the block get attached to / detached from the gripper. I wonder if this problem merits an issue on gazebo repo.... Any idea? Also, anyone has an idea of what attach_steps / detach_steps parameters mean?