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pointcloud to XYZ without .pcd file

asked 2015-02-01 02:25:25 -0500

gaussian gravatar image

I want to subscribe for PointCloud2 data from kinect and work on the encoded XYZ data subsequently in the same program without saving it as .pcd file and again retrieving it back for XYZ data for real time processing. Because it occupies a lot of memory and computational time. Is it possible to do it directly?

Thanks in advance!

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answered 2023-01-23 11:39:27 -0500

ignacio gravatar image

You can convert to sensor_msgs::PointCloud and work with the XYZ coordinates that you wanted or to pcl::PointCloud. But later you need to convert back to sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 to send the serialized message

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Asked: 2015-02-01 02:25:25 -0500

Seen: 616 times

Last updated: Jan 23 '23